If you have lost data, you can prevent permanent data loss by taking a few simple but critical steps. Let's take a look at some pointers to get you started.
First and foremost, if the hard drive makes a whirring or grinding sound, immediately disconnect the power supply or hard drive. The grinding sound is typically produced when the read/write head strikes the hard drive platters. As a result, you may lose some or all of your data.
If the data lost is critical to you, it is best to work with a reputable data recovery service. If you attempt to recover the data on your own, you may end up with data that is unrecoverable.
Trying "home remedies" is not a good idea. Don't, for example, hit the drive on something solid or shake it violently. Similarly, you might not want to spin the HD in the freezer. The majority of the information available on the internet is incorrect. As a result, you can't risk erasing your data.
The first attempt at data recovery will yield the best results. As a result, engineers employ the best methods to ensure that data is not permanently lost as a result of repeated methods.
When Data Loss Occurs
Always make a habit of backing up important data to an external hard drive.
You should also avoid using data recovery software if your hard disk makes humming, clicking, tapping, or scraping noises.
If your hard disk is physically damaged, do not turn it on. Physically damaged devices usually make strange noises.
It is preferable that you turn off your computer to avoid further data or hardware damage.
Similarly, you may not want to attempt data recovery on a wet or dropped hard drive on your own. If the data is critical, you should seek the services of the best service provider.
Unless a professorial has told you otherwise, you cannot assume that the data is unrecoverable.
Avoiding Data Loss
You may want to experiment with various strategies in order to protect critical data from loss and corruption at all costs.
The Best Practices
If you want to upgrade to the most recent version of an operating system, make a verified backup first. Make use of up-to-date software and hardware for data security, such as virus protection and firewalls.
Make it a habit to scan all of your data for malware and viruses, such as downloads, files, and emails. Power surges can seriously damage your hardware. As a result, it's critical to use an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for all of your devices.
It is preferable to avoid static discharge when handling storage media. This is especially important when working in a dry environment.
Backup Procedures
It is preferable that you purchase additional backup systems. Ideally, you should use a direct backup device or a cloud-based backup service. To ensure that all of your important files are protected, you should ideally schedule a daily backup procedure.
Finally, you should test the backups on a regular basis to ensure that the data is correct.
To cut a long story short, we recommend that you follow the instructions in this article to help prevent permanent data loss.